UPC: 01307290056
Retail: $54.95
Price: $29.99
You Save: $24.96 (45.4%)
    Points to Purchase: 4285
    Availability: Discontinued

    In Stock: 6
    RoboRealm is an application for use in computer vision, image analysis, and robotic vision systems. Using an easy point and click interface RoboRealm simplifies vision programming! Using an inexpensive USB webcam and the PC you already have you can now add machine vision to your robotic projects!

    Image and/or video processing can be technically difficult. Home robots are continuously moving towards PC based systems (laptop, netbook, embedded, etc.) that have the power to support complex image processing functions. RoboRealm provides the software needed to get such a system up and running. We've compiled many image processing functions into an easy to use windows based application that you can use with a webcam, TV Tuner, IP Camera, etc. Use RoboRealm to see your robot's environment, process the acquired image, analyze what needs to be done and send the needed signals to your robot's motors, servos, etc.

    For example, you can use RoboRealm to track colored objects, navigate with obstacle avoidance, identify fiducials that let you robot know where it is, and much more!

    Inexpensive Vision Application
    Links Vision to Motion
    Interactive GUI Interface
    Socket based Server API
    Multiple Interfaces (Disk, Web, FTP, Email, etc)
    Plugin Framework for Custom Modules
    Active Online Community

    You are welcome to download the FREE 30 day trial and test out your vision ideas to see what may be possible or not.

    NOTE: When purchasing this version, be advised that we will ship a CD with the software to you. Please see our other version for the electronic download.

    photo captions:
    - The RGB filter can be used to focus on pixels that are the most green, blue or red within the image. Instead of looking for a specific RGB value the RGB filter can even identify green objects in lower or brighter lighted areas. You can select as many colors as needed and track them simultaneously.
    - If you prefer to manually decide on which colors you would like to eliminate you can use the Threshold module to do so. Using this module you can narrow your focus towards a very specific color.
    - The Convolution filter allows you to create a custom filter that can be applied to the image. Or you can select from a dropdown list of over 20 predefined convolution filters to experiment with.
    - Here is another Convolution filter screenshot of the 'Old Stone' filter. Notice the different matrix values than the "edge detect 1" filter above.
    - The Write AVI module allows you to create an AVI file from the processed video stream. You can combine any number of filters before writing the final image to an AVI for later display.
    - You can also separate out the individual color components of the video stream. Here you can see the image with only its Saturation (Hue and Lightness removed). Lighter areas represent more saturation whilst darker areas are less saturated.
    - After processing images and reducing all those pixels to few values you can use the SSC module to translate those values into motor servo movements so you can change the real world based on what your machine can see!
    - The Equalize module provides you with a way to reduce lighting/intensity variations into the video processing pipeline.


    FREE 30 day trial